0. Content
- Files to get
- Compiling the QT-Libraries
- Compiling the KDE-Libraries
- Compiling Kmud 1.0
- Known problems
1. Files to get
Kmud 1.0 is based upon the KDE-Libraries from KDE1, which have been published by
the KDE-Team in their latest version 1.1.2. These Libraries furthermore depend
on the QT-Libraries version 1.4x. Both, the KDE-Libraries 1.1.2 and the
QT-Libraries 1.44 are no longer in use under the actual KDE version 2.2 wich
as far as I know depends on QT-Libraries 2.3.0 < version < 3.0.
Many users have upgraded their systems (or installed later) to the newer KDE and
tried to get Kmud up and run and failed because their QT- and KDE-Libraries are
too new for Kmud version 1.0 and they don't have both installed.
To get Kmud 1.0 running within these setups you have to compile the QT-Libraries
version 1.44 (Section 2) and the KDE-Libraries (Section 3) before you can
compile Kmud 1.0 (Section 4).
If you do have the correct version of the QT-Libraries installed you can skip
Section 2 and additionally you can skip Section 3 if you've installed the
correct version of the KDE-Libraries. In the other case you have to get the
following three packages and step through all Sections:
- qt-1.44.tar.bz2
- kdelibs-1.1.2.tar.bz2
- kmud-1.0.tar.gz
The packages a) and b) are available from
The third package c) is available from the Kmud Homepage (http://www.kmud.de) or
When you've downloaded the packages you can continue with compilation of the
QT-Libraries, Section 2. The following sections assume that you've downloaded
the packages to the 'root' of your home-directory.
2. Compiling the QT-Libraries
First you have to decide where to put the QT-Libraries, let's say into what
directory. If you would like to make a system wide installation you should
perhaps have root access and go with a subdirectory of /usr/lib or
/usr/local/lib. If you don't want systemwide installation you can go with a
directory within your home directory.
I'll assume you want the later and explain it with this but to change the
directory won't change the following that much:
(The $-sign is the prompt of your shell and you have to enter the things behind,
confirming with return ;-)
We start by making shure that we're in your home directory
(The ~ represents your home directory and should fit just fine!)
$ cd ~
Then we'll continue with extracting the QT-Library package.
$ tar xjvf qt-1.44.tar.bz2
If this worked fine, we no longer do need the package and you (optionally) can
delete the package itself
$ rm qt-1.44.tar.bz2
Now we do have to export the QTDIR environment variable accordingly to the
directory we choosed to put this lib in (may differ if you don't use bash, perhaps try setenv)
$ export QTDIR=~/qt-1.44
Now we change into that directory and do the make steps. Notice that the first
make step is only for a PC based Linux system. If your system differs read the
compile info that comes with the QT-Libraries
$ cd qt-1.44
$ make linux-g++-shared
$ make
If this succeeded we finally prepend the new Library path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable by
(notice again, this may differ if you don't use bash as you shell. This won't be
noticed again in the next section)
Now you can just step forward to get the kdelibs build by going through the next
3. Compiling the KDE-Libraries
The KDE-Libraries will be installed into their library directory after we have
compiled them within a source directory. So we first export the KDEDIR
environment variable to point to the KDE-Directory, where these libs will get installed in.
After this we'll prepend the PATH environment variable to get it easy to start kmud afterwards
and we'll prepend the LD_LIBRARY_PATH once again to get the KDE-Libdir into the searchpath.
$ cd ~
$ export KDEDIR=~/kde1
$ export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
Now we do extract the package
$ tar xjvf kdelibs-1.1.2.tar.bz2
If you want to get rid of the package file you can (optionally) do
$ rm kdelibs-1.1.2.tar.bz2
After all this stuff we can change into the directory and do a most secure configure call (I think this will
get it work on nearly every platform)
$ cd kdelibs-1.1.2
$ ./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --with-qt-libraries=$QTDIR/lib --with-extra-libs=$QTDIR/lib
This call should not stop complaining about the QT-Libraries now.
You can continue with the make and make install calls, which build and install
the KDE-Libraries
$ make
$ make install
4. Compiling Kmud 1.0
Both QT-Libraries and KDE-Libraries are installed properly now and we can
continue to compile Kmud 1.0 itself.
First we'll make shure to be in the 'root' of the home directory.
$ cd ~
Now we'll extract the Kmud 1.0 package
$ tar xzvf kmud-1.0.tar.gz
And as you allready may expect, we can now (optionally) delete the package
$ rm kmud-1.0.tar.gz
After we change into the kmud-directory we'll have to do the fascinating
configure call
$ cd kmud-1.0
$ ./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --with-qt-libraries=$QTDIR/lib --with-extra-libs=$QTDIR/lib
Now we can build and install Kmud 1.0
$ make
$ make install
And finally you can start Kmud 1.0 with
$ kmud
Closing this stuff with Stephans words:
Happy mudding,
The Kmud Developer Team
5. Known problems
Due to the fact that the PATH environment variable won't point to the
~/kde1/bin directory after closing your shell you'll have to do a direct call
with ~/kde1/bin/kmud to start kmud afterwards
If you start Kmud you might have problems with the icons in the toolbar.
If this happens it is a problem related to the environment variable KDEDIR which
does not point to ~/kde1. Set it accordingly before you start Kmud.
If you do the exports of PATH and KDEDIR within your .profile file in your
home-directory you would possibly mess up your KDE2 installation. It would be better
to make a small script, that will do this export and launch Kmud.
Then you can easily launch Kmud with Alt-F2 and entering the name of that script.
Script example:
export KDEDIR=~/kde1
~/kde1/bin/kmud &
Don't forget to make this script executable with
$ chmod +x <scriptname>
If this still does not suffer your need for luxury you can use the KDE
menueditor to make a menuentry that will start Kmud by calling that script.
Take a look at the FAQ for some further things not mentioned in here.
And finally, if you still have problems to get Kmud compiled, started or
whatsoever, please don't bother to ask us at the email-address given on top of
this document. We really do believe that you should not give up and get Kmud to
run just fine, it is worth the time...
That's it